Saturday, August 14, 2010

In Your Dreams

Yes, it even happens in your dreams. The one time you think you can escape whirling emotions and tremendously annoying people, they just meet you in your dreams.

I had a post wedding nightmare--well actually I was renewing my vows so early in my marriage for some reason. I had a simple dress but my hair was cut short and while my mom and everyone were rushing around to finish up the last preparations, I stood in front of the mirror for what seemed like hours trying to find a nice way to do my hair that didn't make me look like a 12 year old (that is my insecurity right now with my new hair cut). The hairdo of choice: a messy bun that had tufts of hair sticking straight out because my hair was too short. My mom rushes in--in her hurried way--and tries to usher me out to the ceremony. I break out in a terrible twos tantrum because my hair looks horrible on my wedding vow renewal day! Of all days for crying out loud!

Then I woke up and had a horribly irritable morning. My poor husband tries to be sweet by calling me beautiful and making me breakfast, but I just respond with indifference sending him into a world of confusing and flying eggshells.

Beware: It will follow you into your dreams. I can only hope for no dreams tonight.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"Aunt Flo hasn't visited me this month." "Queen Mary has it out to get me this month." "Don't mess with her right now; she's not 'herself' today." (wink).

When entering into the subject of pms… one must HANDLE WITH CARE. Amongst women it is a common understanding, a curt nod of the head in empathy. Amongst men it is a hush hush topic that must be tip-toed around and ignored lest one’s head should get bit off. The subject cannot be breached if there are five women and one man in the room, for he will most certainly get uncomfortable. The subject cannot be breached if there are five men and one woman in the room, for they will most certainly get uncomfortable.

Sigh. Comfort. The things we avoid in conversation due to not making someone uncomfortable. (list) This list is a little extensive but it gives a detailed picture of the many topics that can offend at least someone in your conversation circle.

I follow along with the rest of America when approaching appropriate conversation topics. Why exactly do we all avoid the topic? Why have I made some people uncomfortable with this blog topic? Feel free to answer.

Intro: Mom, what is p. m. s.?

 PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome):
               –noun Pathology. Origin: 1980-85

a syndrome where your whole world suddenly does not make sense and your fingers are like butter, when your stomach decides to be noticed that day and you cannot find an outfit that remotely looks attractive on you even though you wore it the other day and felt like a sex goddess. It is when your husband tells you he loves you and you break down in tears with the question, "but why??" Or when he sits silently beside you after your rant about your ugly car and you suddenly feel overcome with piles of "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Are you mad? I'm sorry. What's wrong? Why are you not talking to me? Does my breath stink? I'm irritating you aren't I? I'M SORRY!" PMS is when your expensive down feather pillow that you got as a wedding gift won't support your head so you buy two cheap feather pillows to assist and they just end of poking you all night while your sheets twist around your body making you immobile and claustrophobic.

Don't worry, that's all normal. And this is only a warning for when the real fun comes approx. seven days later.

Welcome to a woman's world of pms.